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Servicio en líneaConocido tambin como Manfredus Settalius, fue fabricante de instrumentos musicales y aplicado coleccionista de minerales junto a otros objet os naturales con los cuales erigi un renombrado museo. FERDINANDO COSPI (1606-1686), senador d e la familia Medici en Bologna, reuni en el senado y para el prncipe de Toscana sus col ecciones CORRELACIN GEOLGICA N 23
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Servicio en líneaThe asthenosphere has classically been considered as a convective layer, with its viscosity decreased by the presence of 100's ppm water in olivine, and being overtopped by a rigid and dry lithosphere. It, however, needs a new conceptual definition as the presence of water seems not able to affect the rheology of olivine; furthermore, properties such as electrical conductivity and
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Servicio en líneaOur Members. The Institute comprises 33 Full and 14 Associate Members, with 16 Affiliate Members from departments within the University of Cape Town, and 17 Adjunct Members based nationally or internationally. Research in the IDM is led by the Full and Associate Members, either working independently with their own research groups or in larger
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Servicio en líneaMax Roqueta nasquèt lo 8 de decembre de 1908 d'Adèla Altairac e de Constantin Roqueta, que fasián de vinhairons a Argelièrs dins Erau. La familha de son paire davalava de La Covertoirada, sul Larzac, « la tèrra abandonada » que l'enfachinèt sa vida tota. Son enfança es imergida dins la lenga occitana e marcada carnalament per lo
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