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Trituradora Gbc 5500 F

Anlage 7

1 1310 1770 Spenden f. Löschwesen 5103 12600000 Brandschutz 314*0000 THH2 1 1310 4000 SN PA Personalausgaben SN 40*/41* 1 1310 5200 Geräte, Ausstattungsgegenstände 9999 12600000 Brandschutz 42210000 Unterhaltung des beweglichen Vermögens THH2 1 1310 5500 Haltung von Fahrzeugen 9999 12600000 Brandschutz 42510000 Haltung von Fahrzeugen THH2

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Strip Cut 5500S Shredder

In-cabinet bag storage compartment ensures bags are always at your fingertips. Large Office Model 5500S Strip-Cut Paper Shredder. Size "H x "W x "D. Shipping Weight 125 lbs. Manufacturer Warranty 3 years parts and labor, lifetime cutting heads. Frequent oiling of cutter blades is recommended in order to maintain sheet capacity.

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GBC Paper Shredder 5500S User Guide

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GBC 5220S Shredder

The GBC 5220S Strip Cut Office Shredder - Shreds 17 - 19 sheets at a time including staples and paper clips. Extra large cubic foot shred bin. Continuous duty rated motor. Auto on-off button. The shredder has an EZ-feed throat. Bag full shut off. The shredder has an auto on-off jam. SmartShred Controls-separate indicator lights for power on, bin full, overload and door ajar. In-cabinet

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Strip Cut 5500S Shredder

GBC offers over 70 years experience in designing and producing top-quality shredders. GBC office shredders come with a complete three-years warranty (with five years to lifetime warranty on cutting heads), and GBC has the industry's only on-site factory service program plus hundreds of servicing dealers. Office shredders are powerful and designed for heavy use by an individual or general

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GBC Paper Shredder 5500S User Guide

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Strip Cut 5500S Shredder

In-cabinet bag storage compartment ensures bags are always at your fingertips. Large Office Model 5500S Strip-Cut Paper Shredder. Size "H x "W x "D. Shipping Weight 125 lbs. Manufacturer Warranty 3 years parts and labor, lifetime cutting heads. …

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