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Servicio en líneaBaldor Motor 2HP 1755RPM 145T 230/460. Material ID: 10008237. Baldor - Nema Premium Efficiency Motor - 2 HP - Enclosure TEFC - Frame 145T - Mounting - Foot Mount - RPM 1755 - Phase 3 - Voltage 208-230/460 - Hertz 60 - Service Factor FEATURE: Electric Motor - T Frame DIMENSION: 2 HP TYPE: Motors. Price: $ EA. Pick Up in Store-Add to cart.
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Servicio en líneaBader B III 2"x72" Belt Grinder - $2750. Bader B III 2"x72" Belt Grinder, 1 1/2HP Variable speed Nema 4x 220v motor, dual voltage, original owner, less than 6 hours on the motor, almost new and very clean. Beaumont Metal Works, KMG, arm, work rest, and platen attachment1 Bader arm for wheels2 one half inch wheels1 three
Servicio en líneaMy century motor 2hp work fine for 5 month now it is leaking water from bottom replaced seal kit 3 times still keep leaking any help would be great Reply A Answered on 5/19/2024 by InyoPools Product Specialist Hector F. I would suggest double-checking if your model pump requires silicone to be used at the shaft seal, check for any hairlines cracks in any of the pump housing
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Servicio en líneaMaquina Trituradora o Chancadora de Maiz, Arroz, Sorgo, Trigo, Especias, Aji y todo tipo de semillas . Esta máquina trituradora de polvo de múltiples funciones no sólo puede aplastar el maíz sino tambien el arroz, trigo, sorgo, especias, Aji o Chile, sino también enviar la pantalla interior para aplastar la planta seca. Read More Maquinas Cribados Detalles. Maquinas de
Servicio en líneaAC Motor Y2-90L-4 three phase electric motor is specially designed for European market, IEC 90L Frame, terminal box is located on the top. Get Price Now! Get Price Now! +86 13968633780 | sales@
Servicio en líneaIronHorse standard performance AC induction motor, general purpose, 2hp, 3-phase, 208-230/460 VAC, 1800rpm, TEFC, 56C frame, rolled steel, rigid base/C-face mount. Part number has changed. Please use the new part number MTRP-002-3BD18 as a direct replacement. Report a problem or incorrect product information. Report An Issue.
Servicio en línea· AD Number 166722512 motor sale (1) 3kilo watt single (2) 4kilo watt single fase Buy and Sell for FREE Real Estate Home & Gardenmotor (1)(2) single face; Chat was disconnected, click here to refresh. Chat is not ready yet. Chat has been deleted. Back to Search Results . Next Ad Previous Ad . Don't like Ads? AdsFree. Ads Free . Remove
Servicio en líneaThe Baldor VM3558 2HP motor is similar in most ways to the Leeson we offer. The Baldor has a larger arbor shaft before being turned down to the 5/8" shaft diameter with larger heaver ball bearings for better performance and a longer life. We will be offering this motor exclusively as an option for our Grinder Package, while supplies last. Full Specs: Volts: 208-230/460 Amps:
Servicio en líneaSpannungswandler Vfd 5,5kw. Neuer Wechselrichter CNC Spindelmotordrehzahl Steuerung 1. 5kw / / 4kw 1p Eingang 3p out. Frequenzumrichter for Motor (Color : 2HP) : : Baumarkt
Servicio en líneaNordberg® C Series™ jaw crushers are designed modular to save time and installation costs. They can be installed within a few days, minimizing on-site engineering and fabrication. The jaw crushers can be upgraded with crusher automation that enable monitoring and adjusting the settings of a feeder, crusher, and conveyor remotely.
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