The use of supplements or correctional insulin was also similar in both groups (± IU/day in sitagliptin vs ± IU/day in placebo, p=) .|There were no differences in the mean BG during the operating room stay (136±25 mg/dL vs 143±18 mg/dL), ICU stay (137±16 mg/dL vs 138±25 mg/dL), or after transition (123±13 mg/dL vs 124±16
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Servicio en líneaThe use of supplements or correctional insulin was also similar in both groups (± IU/day in sitagliptin vs ± IU/day in placebo, p=) .|There were no differences in the mean BG during the operating room stay (136±25 mg/dL vs 143±18 mg/dL), ICU stay (137±16 mg/dL vs 138±25 mg/dL), or after transition (123±13 mg/dL vs 124±16 mg/dL) in the sitagliptin group
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